Current Wildland & RX Burns

Arizona Emergency Information Network, Arizona Interagency Wildfire Prevention, & InciWeb.

Avoiding Wildfire Damage

A checklist for homeowners.

Downloadable PDF 

Fire/Weather/Roads Information

Arizona 511 (Roads & Travel), Arizona State Forestry Division, National Weather Service, Tonto National Forest, and US Forest Service Southwest Region.

Safety for Kids & Parents

Smokey Bear and Sparky have information for kids and parents.

Gila County Emergency Alert

Info and sign up.

Gila County Emergency Management Division

Link for road closures and fire updates.


Find out what you can do to protect your home and contribute to our FIREWISE Community.

Adult Health & Safety Information

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, Center for Disease Control & Prevention, National Fire Protection Agency, US Fire Administration, and other links to resources.

Ready Set Go

Ready, Set, Go! is a nationwide program adopted by the 15 Arizona Sheriffs that educates residents about proactive measures to take before an emergency and actions to follow when communities are threatened.

The three steps encourage Arizonans to get READY by preparing now for what threatens their community, be SET by maintaining awareness of significant danger and to GO, evacuate immediately when the danger is current and life-threatening.

Gila County Sheriff’s Office

Office info.

Tonto Rim Search & Rescue

If you have an emergency, call 911 or contact your local law enforcement office and ask the County Sheriff to dispatch TRSAR.

Under Arizona law, search and rescue groups can only respond to an emergency by authorization of the County Sheriff’s Office. Therefore, it is important that you do not call TRSAR directly, thus causing a delay in response time.

Public CPR Training

The Payson Fire Department is committed to education.

AZ Interagency Fire Dispatch Center

Fire restrictions and predictive info.

American Red Cross

Explore volunteer opportunities.